Jan. 27, 2015

Making Media With John Lee Dumas - The Podcast Report Episode #30

Making Media With John Lee Dumas - The Podcast Report Episode #30

In getting ready for the launch of the How To Podcast book, Paul Colligan interviews John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur On Fire about his content creation process and how he makes media. is it the formula he's created that he owes his success to, or...

In getting ready for the launch of the How To Podcast book, Paul Colligan interviews John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur On Fire about his content creation process and how he makes media. is it the formula he's created that he owes his success to, or something else? For a transcript of Episode 30, text "#EP30" to 503-897-1290

Big Idea -If you want to be, do - @JohnLeeDumas (tweet this)

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